Source code for

# Copyright 2012 - John Calixto
# This file is part of bang.
# bang is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# bang is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with bang.  If not, see <>.
import boto
import boto.ec2
from boto.exception import EC2ResponseError
import time

from .. import BangError, TimeoutError, resources as R, attributes as A
from ..util import log, poll_with_timeout
from .bases import Provider, Consul


[docs]def server_to_dict(server): """ Returns the :class:`dict` representation of a server object. The returned :class:`dict` is meant to be consumed by :class:`` objects. """ return { A.server.ID:, A.server.PUBLIC_IPS: [server.public_dns_name], A.server.PRIVATE_IPS: [server.private_dns_name], }
[docs]class EC2SecGroup(object): """ Represents an EC2 security group. The :attr:`rules` attribute is a specialized dict whose keys are the *normalized* rule definitions, and whose values are EC2 grants which can be kwargs-expanded when passing :meth:`boto.ec2.securitygroup.SecurityGroup.revoke`. E.g.: .. code-block:: python { ('tcp', 1, 65535, 'group-foo'): { 'ip_protocol': 'tcp', 'from_port': '1', 'to_port': '65535', 'src_group': 'group-foo', 'target': SecurityGroup:group-bar, }, ('tcp', 8080, 8080, ''): { 'ip_protocol': 'tcp', 'from_port': '8080', 'to_port': '8080', 'cidr_ip': '', 'target': SecurityGroup:group-bar, }, } This also maintains a reference to the original :class:`boto.ec2.securitygroup.SecurityGroup` instance. Suitable for returning from :meth:`EC2.find_secgroup`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ec2sg): owner_id = ec2sg.owner_id rules = {} for rule in ec2sg.rules: p = rule.ip_protocol f = int(rule.from_port) t = int(rule.to_port) core = { 'ip_protocol': p, 'from_port': f, 'to_port': t, 'target': ec2sg, } for g in rule.grants: parsed = {} if g.cidr_ip: s = parsed['cidr_ip'] = str(g.cidr_ip) elif g.owner_id == owner_id and == parsed['source_self'] = True s = else: parsed['src_group'] = g s = parsed.update(core) rules[(p, f, t, s)] = parsed self.rules = rules self.ec2sg = ec2sg
[docs]class EC2(Consul): """The consul for the compute service in AWS (EC2)."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(EC2, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) creds = self.provider.creds self.access_key_id = creds[A.creds.ACCESS_KEY_ID] self.secret_key = creds[A.creds.SECRET_ACCESS_KEY] self._ec2 = None
[docs] def ec2(self): if not self._ec2: # this connection lets boto pick the default region. be sure to use # set_region() if you need a specific region. self._ec2 = boto.connect_ec2(self.access_key_id, self.secret_key) return self._ec2
[docs] def set_region(self, region_name): log.debug("Setting region to %s" % region_name) self._ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region( region_name, aws_access_key_id=self.access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=self.secret_key, )
[docs] def find_servers(self, tags, running=True): """ Returns any servers in the region that have tags that match the key-value pairs in :attr:`tags`. :param Mapping tags: A mapping object in which the keys are the tag names and the values are the tag values. :param bool running: A flag to limit server list to instances that are actually *running*. :rtype: :class:`list` of :class:`dict` objects. Each :class:`dict` describes a single server instance. """ filters = dict([('tag:%s' % key, val) for key, val in tags.items()]) if running: filters['instance-state-name'] = 'running' res = self.ec2.get_all_instances(filters=filters) instances = [server_to_dict(i) for r in res for i in r.instances] log.debug('instances: %s' % instances) return instances
[docs] def find_running(self, server_attrs, timeout_s): return server_attrs
[docs] def create_server(self, basename, disk_image_id, instance_type, ssh_key_name, tags=None, availability_zone=None, timeout_s=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_S, **provider_extras): """ Creates a new server instance. This call blocks until the server is created and available for normal use, or :attr:`timeout_s` has elapsed. :param str basename: An identifier for the server. A random postfix will be appended to this basename to work around OpenStack Nova REST API limitations. :param str disk_image_id: The identifier of the base disk image to use as the rootfs. :param str instance_type: The name of an EC2 instance type. :param str ssh_key_name: The name of the ssh key to inject into the target server's ``authorized_keys`` file. The key must already have been registered in the target EC2 region. :param tags: Up to 5 key-value pairs of arbitrary strings to use as *tags* for the server instance. :type tags: :class:`Mapping` :param str availability_zone: The name of the availability zone in which to place the server. :param float timeout_s: The number of seconds to poll for an active server before failing. Defaults to ``0`` (i.e. Expect server to be active immediately). :rtype: :class:`dict` """ 'Launching server %s... this could take a while...' % basename ) res = self.ec2.run_instances( disk_image_id, instance_type=instance_type, key_name=ssh_key_name, placement=availability_zone, disable_api_termination=True, **provider_extras ) instance = res.instances[0] # we're too fast for EC2... slow down a little bit, twice time.sleep(2) def apply_tags(): try: for key, val in tags.items(): instance.add_tag(key, val) return True except EC2ResponseError: pass if not poll_with_timeout(timeout_s, apply_tags, 5): raise TimeoutError('Could not tag server %s' % def find_running_instance(): if instance.update() == 'running': return instance running = poll_with_timeout(timeout_s, find_running_instance, 5) if not running: raise TimeoutError('Could not launch server within allotted time.') return server_to_dict(running)
[docs] def find_secgroup(self, name): """ Find a security group by name. Returns a :class:`EC2SecGroup` instance if found, otherwise returns None. """ res = self.ec2.get_all_security_groups(filters={'group-name': name}) if res: return EC2SecGroup(res[0])
[docs] def create_secgroup(self, name, description): """ Creates a new server security group. :param str name: The name of the security group to create. :param str description: A short description of the group. """ return self.ec2.create_security_group(name, description) log.debug("... created group %s" % name)
[docs] def create_secgroup_rule(self, protocol, from_port, to_port, source, target): """ Creates a new server security group rule. :param str protocol: E.g. ``tcp``, ``icmp``, etc... :param int from_port: E.g. ``1`` :param int to_port: E.g. ``65535`` :param str source: :param str target: The target security group. I.e. the group in which this rule should be created. """ kwargs = { 'ip_protocol': protocol, 'from_port': from_port, 'to_port': to_port } sg = self.find_secgroup(target).ec2sg if not sg: raise BangError("Security group not found, %s" % target) if '/' in source: # Treat as cidr (/ is mask) kwargs['cidr_ip'] = source else: kwargs['src_group'] = self.find_secgroup(source).ec2sg sg.authorize(**kwargs)
[docs] def delete_secgroup_rule(self, rule_def): """Deletes the security group rule identified by :attr:`rule_def`""" sg = rule_def.pop('target') sg.revoke(**rule_def)
[docs]class S3(Consul): """The consul for the storage service in AWS (S3)."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(S3, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) creds = self.provider.creds self.access_key_id = creds[A.creds.ACCESS_KEY_ID] self.secret_key = creds[A.creds.SECRET_ACCESS_KEY] self._s3 = None
[docs] def s3(self): if not self._s3: # this connection lets boto pick the default region. be sure to use # set_region() if you need a specific region. self._s3 = boto.connect_s3(self.access_key_id, self.secret_key) return self._s3
[docs] def set_region(self, region_name): log.debug("Setting region to %s" % region_name) self._s3 = boto.s3.connect_to_region( region_name, aws_access_key_id=self.access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=self.secret_key, )
[docs] def create_bucket(self, name): """ Creates a new S3 bucket. :param str name: E.g. 'mybucket' """'Creating bucket %s...' % name) self.s3.create_bucket(name)
[docs]class RDS(Consul): pass
