Source code for

# Copyright 2012 - John Calixto
# This file is part of bang.
# bang is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# bang is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with bang.  If not, see <>.
import time
from .. import resources as R, attributes as A
from ..providers import get_provider
from ..util import log
from .deployer import Deployer

[docs]class BaseDeployer(Deployer): """Base class for all cloud resource deployers"""
[docs] def __init__(self, stack, config, consul): super(BaseDeployer, self).__init__(stack, config) self._consul = consul
[docs] def consul(self): return self._consul
[docs]class RegionedDeployer(BaseDeployer): """Deployer that automatically sets its region""" @property
[docs] def consul(self): self._consul.set_region(self.region_name) return self._consul
[docs]class SSHKeyDeployer(RegionedDeployer): """ Registers SSH keys with cloud providers so they can be used at server-launch time. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SSHKeyDeployer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.found = False self.phases = [ (True, self.find_existing), (lambda: not self.found, self.register), ]
[docs] def find_existing(self): """Searches for an existing SSH key matching the name.""" self.found = self.consul.find_ssh_pub_key(
[docs] def register(self): """Registers SSH key with provider."""'Installing ssh key, %s' % self.consul.create_ssh_pub_key(, self.key)
[docs]class ServerDeployer(RegionedDeployer):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ServerDeployer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.namespace = self.stack.get_namespace( self.server_attrs = None self.provider_extras = getattr(self, self.provider, {}) self.phases = [ (True, self.find_existing), (lambda: self.server_attrs, self.wait_for_running), (lambda: not self.server_attrs, self.create), (True, self.add_to_inventory), ] self.inventory_phases = [ self.find_existing, self.add_to_inventory, ]
[docs] def find_existing(self): """ Searches for existing server instances with matching tags. To match, the existing instances must also be "running". """ instances = self.consul.find_servers(self.tags) maxnames = len(instances) while instances: i = instances.pop(0) server_id = i[A.server.ID] if self.namespace.add_if_unique(server_id):'Found existing server, %s' % server_id) self.server_attrs = i break if len(self.namespace.names) >= maxnames: break instances.append(i)
[docs] def wait_for_running(self): """Waits for found servers to be operational""" self.server_attrs = self.consul.find_running( self.server_attrs, self.launch_timeout_s, )
[docs] def create(self): """Launches a new server instance.""" self.server_attrs = self.consul.create_server( "%s-%s" % (,, self.disk_image_id, self.instance_type, self.ssh_key_name, tags=self.tags, availability_zone=self.availability_zone, timeout_s=self.launch_timeout_s, security_groups=self.security_groups, **self.provider_extras ) log.debug('Post launch delay: %d s' % self.post_launch_delay_s) time.sleep(self.post_launch_delay_s)
[docs] def add_to_inventory(self): """Adds host to stack inventory""" if not self.server_attrs: return for addy in self.server_attrs[A.server.PUBLIC_IPS]: self.stack.add_host(addy, self.groups, self.hostvars)
[docs]class CloudManagerServerDeployer(ServerDeployer): """ Server deployer for cloud management services. Cloud management services like RightScale and Scalr provide constructs like server templates (a.k.a. roles) to bundle together disk image ids with on-server configuration automation (e.g. RightScripts, Scalr scripts). This deployer replaces the low-level provisioning functionality in the base :class:`ServerDeployer` with a :meth:`create` method that is more suited to the high-level launching mechanism provided by cloud management services. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CloudManagerServerDeployer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.server_def = None self.phases = [ (True, self.create_stack), (True, self.find_existing), (lambda: self.server_attrs, self.wait_for_running), (lambda: not self.server_attrs, self.find_def), (lambda: not (self.server_attrs or self.server_def), self.define), (lambda: not self.server_attrs, self.create), (True, self.add_to_inventory), ]
[docs] def create_stack(self): self.consul.create_stack(
[docs] def find_def(self): server_defs = self.consul.find_server_defs( maxnames = len(server_defs) while server_defs: href = server_defs.pop(0) if self.namespace.add_if_unique(href):'Found existing server def, %s' % href) self.server_def = href break if len(self.namespace.names) >= maxnames: break server_defs.append(href)
[docs] def define(self): """Defines a new server.""" self.server_def = self.consul.define_server(, self.server_tpl, self.server_tpl_rev, self.instance_type, self.ssh_key_name, tags=self.tags, availability_zone=self.availability_zone, security_groups=self.security_groups, **self.provider_extras ) log.debug('Defined server %s' % self.server_def)
[docs] def create(self): self.server_attrs = self.consul.create_server( self.server_def, timeout_s=self.launch_timeout_s, **self.provider_extras ) log.debug('Post launch delay: %d s' % self.post_launch_delay_s) time.sleep(self.post_launch_delay_s)
[docs]class SecurityGroupDeployer(RegionedDeployer):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SecurityGroupDeployer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = None self.phases = [ (True, self.find_existing), (lambda: not, self.create), ] self.attrs = {}
[docs] def find_existing(self): """Finds existing secgroup""" = self.consul.find_secgroup(
[docs] def create(self): """Creates a new security group""" self.consul.create_secgroup(, self.description)
[docs]class SecurityGroupRulesetDeployer(RegionedDeployer):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SecurityGroupRulesetDeployer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.create_these_rules = [] self.delete_these_rules = [] self.phases = [ (True, self.find_existing), (lambda: self.create_these_rules or self.delete_these_rules, self.apply_rule_changes), ]
[docs] def find_existing(self): """ Finds existing rule in secgroup. Populates ``self.create_these_rules`` and ``self.delete_these_rules``. """ sg = self.consul.find_secgroup( current = sg.rules log.debug('Current rules: %s' % current) log.debug('Intended rules: %s' % self.rules) exp_rules = [] for rule in self.rules: exp = ( rule[A.secgroup.PROTOCOL], rule[A.secgroup.FROM], rule[A.secgroup.TO], rule[A.secgroup.SOURCE], ) exp_rules.append(exp) if exp in current: del current[exp] else: self.create_these_rules.append(exp) self.delete_these_rules.extend(current.itervalues()) log.debug('Create these rules: %s' % self.create_these_rules) log.debug('Delete these rules: %s' % self.delete_these_rules)
[docs] def apply_rule_changes(self): """ Makes the security group rules match what is defined in the Bang config file. """ # TODO: add error handling for rule in self.create_these_rules: args = rule + (, ) self.consul.create_secgroup_rule(*args)"Authorized: %s" % str(rule)) for rule in self.delete_these_rules: self.consul.delete_secgroup_rule(rule)"Revoked: %s" % rule)
[docs]class BucketDeployer(BaseDeployer):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(BucketDeployer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.phases = [ (True, self.create), ]
[docs] def create(self): """Creates a new bucket""" self.consul.create_bucket("%s-%s" % (,
[docs]class DatabaseDeployer(BaseDeployer):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DatabaseDeployer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.instance_name = "%s-%s" % (, self.db_attrs = None self.phases = [ (True, self.find_existing), (lambda: not self.db_attrs, self.create), (True, self.add_to_inventory), ] self.inventory_phases = [ self.find_existing, self.add_to_inventory, ]
[docs] def find_existing(self): """ Searches for existing db instance with matching name. To match, the existing instance must also be "running". """ self.db_attrs = self.consul.find_db_instance(self.instance_name)
[docs] def create(self): """Creates a new database""" self.db_attrs = self.consul.create_db( self.instance_name, self.instance_type, self.admin_username, self.admin_password, db_name=self.db_name, storage_size_gb=self.storage_size, timeout_s=self.launch_timeout_s, )
[docs] def add_to_inventory(self): """Adds db host to stack inventory""" host = self.db_attrs.pop(A.database.HOST) self.stack.add_host( host, self.groups, self.db_attrs )
[docs]class LoadBalancerDeployer(RegionedDeployer): """ Cloud-managed load balancer deployer. Assumes a consul able to create and discover LB instances, as well as match existing backend 'nodes' to a list it's given. It is assumed only a single 'instance' per distinct load balancer needs to be created (i.e. that any elasticity is handled by the cloud service). Example config:: load_balancers: test_balancer: balance_server_name: server_defined_in_servers_section region: region-1.geo-1 provider: hpcloud backend_port: '8080' protocol: tcp port: '443' """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(LoadBalancerDeployer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.instance_name = "%s-%s" % (, self.lb_attrs = None self.delete_these_nodes = [] self.add_these_nodes = [] self.phases = [ (True, self.find_existing), (lambda: not self.lb_attrs, self.create), (True, self.add_to_inventory), (True, self.configure_nodes), ] self.inventory_phases = [ self.find_existing, self.add_to_inventory, ]
[docs] def find_existing(self): """ Searches for existing load balancer instance with matching name. Doesn't populate 'details' including the nodes and virtual IPs """ self.lb_attrs = self.consul.find_lb_by_name(self.instance_name)
[docs] def create(self): """Creates a new load balancer""" required_nodes = self._get_required_nodes() self.lb_attrs = self.consul.create_lb( self.instance_name, protocol=self.protocol, port=self.port, nodes=required_nodes, node_port=str(self.backend_port), algorithm=getattr(self, 'algorithm', None) )
[docs] def configure_nodes(self): """Ensure that the LB's nodes matches the stack""" # Since load balancing runs after server provisioning, # the servers should already be created regardless of # whether this was a preexisting load balancer or not. # We also have the existing nodes, because add_to_inventory # has been called already required_nodes = self._get_required_nodes() log.debug( "Matching existing lb nodes to required %s (port %s)" % (", ".join(required_nodes), self.backend_port) ) self.consul.match_lb_nodes( self.lb_attrs[A.loadbalancer.ID], self.lb_attrs[A.loadbalancer.NODES_KEY], required_nodes, self.backend_port) self.lb_attrs = self.consul.lb_details( self.lb_attrs[A.loadbalancer.ID] )
def _get_required_nodes(self): required_nodes = set() for host, attrs in self.stack.groups_and_vars.dicts.items(): if attrs.get(A.SERVER_CLASS) == self.balance_server_name: required_nodes.add(host) return required_nodes
[docs] def add_to_inventory(self): """Adds lb IPs to stack inventory""" if self.lb_attrs: self.lb_attrs = self.consul.lb_details( self.lb_attrs[A.loadbalancer.ID] ) host = self.lb_attrs['virtualIps'][0]['address'] self.stack.add_lb_secgroup(, [host], self.backend_port) self.stack.add_host( host, [], self.lb_attrs )
[docs]class LoadBalancerSecurityGroupsDeployer(SecurityGroupRulesetDeployer):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(LoadBalancerSecurityGroupsDeployer, self).__init__( *args, **kwargs) = None self.attrs = {}
[docs] def find_existing(self): # Prepopulate rules from the LB stack variables lb_entry = self.stack.lb_sec_groups.dicts.get(self.load_balancer) if not lb_entry: raise Exception( "No load balancer host found in stack for '%s'" % self.load_balancer ) for host in lb_entry['hosts']: # Create a rule for this LB. Need a mask or nova interprets it # as a group rule rather than IP rule host = host + "/32" rule = { A.secgroup.PROTOCOL: 'tcp', A.secgroup.FROM: lb_entry['port'], A.secgroup.TO: lb_entry['port'], A.secgroup.SOURCE: host, } self.rules.append(rule) super(LoadBalancerSecurityGroupsDeployer, self).find_existing()
DEFAULT_DEPLOYER_MAP = { R.SSH_KEYS: SSHKeyDeployer, R.SERVERS: ServerDeployer, R.SERVER_SECURITY_GROUPS: SecurityGroupDeployer, R.SERVER_SECURITY_GROUP_RULES: SecurityGroupRulesetDeployer, R.BUCKETS: BucketDeployer, R.DATABASES: DatabaseDeployer, R.LOAD_BALANCERS: LoadBalancerDeployer, R.DYNAMIC_LB_SEC_GROUPS: LoadBalancerSecurityGroupsDeployer, } CLOUD_MANAGER_DEPLOYER_OVERRIDES = { 'rightscale': { R.SERVERS: CloudManagerServerDeployer, }, }
[docs]def get_deployer(provider, res_type): deployer = CLOUD_MANAGER_DEPLOYER_OVERRIDES.get(provider, {}).get(res_type) if not deployer: deployer = DEFAULT_DEPLOYER_MAP[res_type] return deployer
[docs]def get_deployers(res_config, res_type, stack, creds): pname = res_config[A.PROVIDER] provider = get_provider(pname, creds[pname]) consul = provider.get_consul(res_type) if not consul: log.warn("%s does not provide %s" % (pname, res_type)) return deployer = get_deployer(pname, res_type) count = res_config.get('instance_count', 1) return [deployer(stack, res_config, consul) for _ in range(count)]