Source code for bang.config

# Copyright 2012 - John Calixto
# This file is part of bang.
# bang is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# bang is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with bang.  If not, see <>.
import collections
import os
import os.path
import tempfile
import yaml

from . import resources as R, attributes as A
from .util import log, bump_version_tail, deep_merge_dicts
from ansible.utils import ask_passwords

DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR = 'bang-stacks'



[docs]def find_component_tarball(bucket, comp_name, comp_config): """ Returns True if the component tarball is found in the bucket. Otherwise, returns False. """ values = { 'name': comp_name, 'version': comp_config['version'], 'platform': comp_config['platform'], } template = comp_config.get('archive_template') if template: key_name = template % values else: key_name = '%(name)s/%(name)s-%(version)s.tar.gz' % values if not bucket.get_key(key_name): log.error('%s not found' % key_name) return False return True
[docs]def read_raw_bangrc(): bangrc_path = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.bangrc') try: with open(bangrc_path) as f: return yaml.safe_load(f) except IOError: pass return {}
[docs]def parse_bangrc(): """ Parses ``$HOME/.bangrc`` for global settings and deployer credentials. The ``.bangrc`` file is expected to be a YAML file whose outermost structure is a key-value map. Note that even though ``.bangrc`` is just a YAML file in which a user could store any top-level keys, it is not expected to be used as a holder of default values for stack-specific configuration attributes - if present, they will be ignored. Returns {} if ``$HOME/.bangrc`` does not exist. :rtype: :class:`dict` """ raw = read_raw_bangrc() return dict((k, raw[k]) for k in raw if k in RC_KEYS)
[docs]def resolve_config_spec(config_spec, config_dir=''): """ Resolves :attr:`config_spec` to a path to a config file. :param str config_spec: Valid config specs: - The basename of a YAML config file *without* the ``.yml`` extension. The full path to the config file is resolved by appending ``.yml`` to the basename, then by searching for the result in the :attr:`config_dir`. - The path to a YAML config file. The path may be absolute or may be relative to the current working directory. If :attr:`config_spec` contains a ``/`` (forward slash), or if it ends in ``.yml``, it is treated as a path. :param str config_dir: The directory in which to search for stack configuration files. :rtype: :class:`str` """ if '/' in config_spec or config_spec.endswith('.yml'): return config_spec return os.path.join(config_dir, '%s.yml' % config_spec)
[docs]class Config(dict): """ A dict-alike that provides a convenient constructor, stashes the path to the config file as an instance attribute, and performs some validation of the values. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :param str path_to_yaml: Path to a yaml file to use as the data source for the returned instance. """ super(Config, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.filepath = ''
[docs] def from_config_specs(cls, config_specs, prepare=True): """ Alternate constructor that merges config attributes from ``$HOME/.bangrc`` and :attr:`config_specs` into a single :class:`Config` object. The first (and potentially *only* spec) in :attr:`config_specs` should be main configuration file for the stack to be deployed. The returned object's :attr:`filepath` will be set to the absolute path of the first config file. If multiple config specs are supplied, their values are merged together in the order specified in :attr:`config_specs` - That is, later values override earlier values. :param config_specs: List of config specs. :type config_specs: :class:`list` of :class:`str` :param bool prepare: Flag to control whether or not :meth:`prepare` is called automatically before returning the object. :rtype: :class:`Config` """ bangrc = parse_bangrc() config_dir = bangrc.get('config_dir', DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR) config_paths = [ resolve_config_spec(cs, config_dir) for cs in config_specs ] config = cls() config.update(bangrc) if config_paths: config.filepath = config_paths[0] for c in config_paths: with open(c) as f: deep_merge_dicts(config, yaml.safe_load(f)) if prepare: config.prepare() return config
def _prepare_ansible(self): ansible_cfg = self.get(A.ANSIBLE, {}) if ansible_cfg.get(A.ansible.ASK_VAULT_PASS): (_, _, _, vault_pass) = ask_passwords(ask_vault_pass=True) ansible_cfg[A.ansible.VAULT_PASS] = vault_pass self[A.ANSIBLE] = ansible_cfg def _prepare_dbs(self): dbcreds = self.get(R.DATABASE_CREDS, {}) for db in self.get(R.DATABASES, []): name = db[A.database.NAME] # default db name is the deployer instance name if A.database.DB_NAME not in db: db[A.database.DB_NAME] = name if A.database.LAUNCH_TIMEOUT not in db: db[A.database.LAUNCH_TIMEOUT] = DEFAULT_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT_S # make global db creds available to db deployer instance creds = dbcreds.get(name) if not creds: continue db[A.database.ADMIN_USER] = creds[A.database.ADMIN_USER] db[A.database.ADMIN_PASS] = creds[A.database.ADMIN_PASS] def _prepare_secgroups(self): stack = self[A.NAME] # Special magic groups for lb load_balancer_groups = [] for lb in self.get(R.LOAD_BALANCERS, []): for_servers = lb[A.loadbalancer.SERVER_NAMES] for_server = filter( lambda s: s[A.server.NAME] == for_servers, self[R.SERVERS])[0] secgroup_name = '%s-secgroup' % lb[A.loadbalancer.NAME] sec_group = { A.secgroup.NAME: secgroup_name, A.secgroup.PROVIDER: for_server[A.server.PROVIDER], A.secgroup.REGION: for_server[A.server.REGION], 'description': "Secgroup for %s load balancer" % lb[A.loadbalancer.NAME], A.secgroup.RULES: [], 'load_balancer': lb[A.loadbalancer.NAME], } load_balancer_groups.append(sec_group) self.setdefault(R.DYNAMIC_LB_SEC_GROUPS, []).append(sec_group) for_server.setdefault(A.server.STACK_SECGROUPS, []).append(secgroup_name) sg_rule_sets = [] self.setdefault(R.SERVER_SECURITY_GROUPS, []).extend(load_balancer_groups) for sg in self.get(R.SERVER_SECURITY_GROUPS, []): provider = sg[A.secgroup.PROVIDER] region = sg[A.secgroup.REGION] # dress up the stack secgroup names dressy_name = '%s-%s' % (stack, sg[A.secgroup.NAME]) sg[A.secgroup.NAME] = dressy_name rules = [] for rule in sg[A.secgroup.RULES]: r = rule.copy() # handle special sources if rule.get(A.secgroup.SOURCE_SELF): r[A.secgroup.SOURCE] = dressy_name elif rule.get(A.secgroup.SOURCE_STACK): r[A.secgroup.SOURCE] = '%s-%s' % ( stack, rule[A.secgroup.SOURCE]) r[A.secgroup.TARGET] = dressy_name rules.append(r) # For load balancer SGs, don't add rule sets now; # it'll get done later if not sg.get('load_balancer', None): sg_rule_sets.append( { A.secgroup.NAME: dressy_name, A.secgroup.PROVIDER: provider, A.secgroup.REGION: region, A.secgroup.RULES: rules, } ) self[R.SERVER_SECURITY_GROUP_RULES] = sg_rule_sets # make sure server configs use the dressed-up secgroup names for s in self.get(R.SERVERS, []): groups = [ '%s-%s' % (stack, gname) for gname in s.get(A.server.STACK_SECGROUPS, []) ] groups.extend(s.get(A.server.EXTRA_SECGROUPS, [])) s[A.server.SECGROUPS] = groups def _prepare_tags(self): # add ``stack`` and ``role`` tags name_tag_name = self.get(A.NAME_TAG_NAME, 'Name') for s in self.get(R.SERVERS, []): stack = self[A.NAME] role = s[A.server.NAME] tags = s.get(A.server.TAGS, {}) tags[A.tags.STACK] = stack tags[A.tags.ROLE] = role if name_tag_name: tags[name_tag_name] = '%s-%s' % (stack, role) s[A.server.TAGS] = tags def _prepare_ssh_keys(self): keys = self.get(A.DEPLOYER_CREDS, {}).get(R.SSH_KEYS, {}) if not keys: return keys_to_install = [] for server in self.get(R.SERVERS, []): key_name = server.get(A.server.SSH_KEY) if not key_name: continue key = keys.get(key_name) if not key: continue keys_to_install.append( { A.ssh_key.NAME: key_name, A.ssh_key.KEY: key, A.ssh_key.PROVIDER: server[A.server.PROVIDER], A.ssh_key.REGION: server[A.server.REGION], } ) if keys_to_install: self[R.SSH_KEYS] = keys_to_install def _prepare_servers(self): """ Prepare the variables that are exposed to the servers. Most attributes in the server config are used directly. However, due to variations in how cloud providers treat regions and availability zones, this method allows either the ``availability_zone`` or the ``region_name`` to be used as the target availability zone for a server. If both are specified, then ``availability_zone`` is used. If ``availability_zone`` is not specified in the server config, then the ``region_name`` value is used as the target availability zone. """ stack = { A.NAME: self[A.NAME], A.VERSION: self[A.VERSION], } for server in self.get(R.SERVERS, []): # default cloud values if A.PROVIDER in server: if A.server.LAUNCH_TIMEOUT not in server: server[A.server.LAUNCH_TIMEOUT] = DEFAULT_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT_S if A.server.POST_DELAY not in server: server[A.server.POST_DELAY] = DEFAULT_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT_S if A.server.AZ not in server: server[A.server.AZ] = server[A.server.REGION] # distribute the config scope attributes svars = { A.STACK: stack, A.SERVER_CLASS: server[A.NAME], } for scope in server.get(A.server.SCOPES, []): # allow scopes to be defined inline if isinstance(scope, collections.Mapping): svars.update(scope) else: svars[scope] = self[scope] server[A.server.VARS] = svars def _prepare_load_balancers(self): """ Prepare load balancer variables """ stack = { A.NAME: self[A.NAME], A.VERSION: self[A.VERSION], } for load_balancer in self.get(R.LOAD_BALANCERS, []): svars = {A.STACK: stack} load_balancer[A.loadbalancer.VARS] = svars def _convert_to_list(self, stanza_key, name_key): """ Convert self[stanza_key] to a list. For each k, v k, v = self[stanza_key].iteritems() assign v[name_key] = k """ converted_list = [] for k, v in self.get(stanza_key, {}).iteritems(): v[name_key] = k converted_list.append(v) return converted_list
[docs] def prepare(self): """ Reorganizes the data such that the deployment logic can find it all where it expects to be. The raw configuration file is intended to be as human-friendly as possible partly through the following mechanisms: - In order to minimize repetition, any attributes that are common to all server configurations can be specified in the ``server_common_attributes`` stanza even though the stanza itself does not map directly to a deployable resource. - For reference locality, each security group stanza contains its list of rules even though rules are actually created in a separate stage from the groups themselves. In order to make the :class:`Config` object more useful to the program logic, this method performs the following transformations: - Distributes the ``server_common_attributes`` among all the members of the ``servers`` stanza. - Extracts security group rules to a top-level key, and interpolates all source and target values. """ # TODO: take server_common_attributes and disperse it among the various # server stanzas # First stage - turn all the dicts (SERVER, SECGROUP, DATABASE, LOADBAL) # into lists now they're merged properly for stanza_key, name_key in ( (R.SERVERS, A.server.NAME), (R.SERVER_SECURITY_GROUPS, A.secgroup.NAME), (R.LOAD_BALANCERS, A.loadbalancer.NAME), (R.DATABASES, A.database.NAME), (R.BUCKETS, A.NAME), (R.QUEUES, A.NAME)): self[stanza_key] = self._convert_to_list(stanza_key, name_key) self._prepare_ssh_keys() self._prepare_secgroups() self._prepare_tags() self._prepare_dbs() self._prepare_servers() self._prepare_load_balancers() self._prepare_ansible()
[docs] def validate(self): """ Performs all validation checks on this config. Raises :class:`ValueError` for invalid configs. """ # TODO: validate providers in each of the resource stanzas
[docs] def autoinc(self): """ Conditionally updates the stack version in the file associated with this config. This handles both official releases (i.e. QA configs), and release candidates. Assumptions about version: - Official release versions are MAJOR.minor, where MAJOR and minor are both non-negative integers. E.g. 2.9 2.10 2.11 3.0 3.1 3.2 etc... - Release candidate versions are MAJOR.minor-rc.N, where MAJOR, minor, and N are all non-negative integers. 3.5-rc.1 3.5-rc.2 """ if not self.get('autoinc_version'): return oldver = self['version'] newver = bump_version_tail(oldver) config_path = self.filepath temp_fd, temp_name = tempfile.mkstemp( dir=os.path.dirname(config_path), ) with open(config_path) as old: with os.fdopen(temp_fd, 'w') as new: for oldline in old: if oldline.startswith('version:'): new.write("version: '%s'\n" % newver) continue new.write(oldline) # no need to backup the old file, it's under version control anyway - # right???'Incrementing stack version %s -> %s' % (oldver, newver)) os.rename(temp_name, config_path) # TODO: commit_bang_config()